(The beautiful Alpha Theta chapter on 11/23... yay for Snow Day!)
Why can't it be Christmas already?

My dearest friends, here are some snippets of my life from these past few weeks. P.S. I'm terrible at taking and uploading pictures, but I'm working on it. :)
Here are the most recent updates:
* UW actually cancelled school due to snowy conditions... strange how everyone else on the East Coast still manages to go on with their lives but everyone here literally freezes up and freaks out. Hence... bus routes shut down, and crazy drivers are everywhere (random stranger asks me and one of my sister Annie last night where the nearest active bus stop was... - btw, it was 10:30 P.M., and we said that all buses were shut down. He replied "S***, this blows," and trudges through the snow-storm/semi-blizzard)
* Alpha Theta had elections for new positions... and I'm officially the new Executive Vice President for 2011-2012! Violets fo' days my dearest sisters! I'm so proud and honored to have the opportunity of serving on the Executive Board again, especially for my senior year. It means a great deal to me and will always hold a special place in my heart. DLC 2011 will be fabulous with the amazing women we have on our team! **super stoked to see Jackie Jones and M. Hall!
* Our chapter had a successful COR process :) We filled our four spots with great women and are at total! (again... per usual!)
* That's all I can think of for now... oh except for Fam Bam Jam... but that will be commented on later... haha
It was such a beautiful Winter Wonderland in the Greek Community!
(right on the Corner of 17th and 45th!)
Goals for now until/through Winter Break:
1. Update blog at least once a day with photos taken by yours truly, rather than uploading pictures from the web.
2. Finish my papers at least four days before the due date instead of cramming the night before.
3. Actually read the assigned reading before filling out the study guide for my classes.
4. Finish the ADPi Executive Office Internship Application and send it in by December 15th... :) Tons of Pi love and thanks to Recruitment Director Jackie Jones and Alpha Theta's Chapter Advisor, Laura Kagle, for writing me such fabulous recommendations! Truly appreciate it.
5. Get a new phone. It's a MUST! This two-year old phone has survived/suffered way too many adventures and needs to be replaced. Hopefully, I'll get a beautiful Blackberry? Perhaps this Thanksgiving... but it's gotta be Ok'ed by Mama Nguyen.
pretty pretty pretty... I just absolutely love this picture.
(Savery... how picturesque!)
(The new "W" at the main entrance.)
Song of the moment
"Winter Song" (feat. Ingrid Michaelson) by Sara Bareilles
So now the story of my FAM BAM JAM. First, I did not think that this family night would actually happen... To have a joint family occasion with two fraternities (XΨ and ∑X) sounds like a recipe for disaster resulting in utter chaos that is truly unnecessary for a Saturday night. As a result, I thought such absurd and ridiculous thoughts should not be followed through... But the family thought otherwise. So my lovely LITTLE ONES (TREVOR + ENRIQUE) threw a fantastic shindig for the fam bam.
There, I bonded with my two littles and my four grand-littles: (Ryan - Trevor's Little, Jack and Matt - Enrique's littles, and my dearest Jackie - Jenn's little dittle). [Poor Jennefer didn't get to make it]
The night was grand, and needless to say, "LONG LIVE THE LEOS!" and other random family mottos were shouted. Great parts of the night included: Freezing in the basement of XΨ, skipping - arms linked with Jack (who is twice my height) all the way up the hill to 18th, and of course (my personal favorite) running around like a cray-cray and wreaking havoc at ∑X ..... QUALITY.
Enrique made me take this picture... It's pretty rad. Props to Brian Chinn for the design :)
Oh the joys of being Greek and the many people/family you meet...
(*note this fam bam night is only one branch of the sigmachi family because poor iggs (my BIGGIE) is old and an alum)
or if you're like me, you adopt and the family grows bigger and bigger... AND BIGGER.
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