Keeps Georgia on My Mind...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Georgia... can't you come sooner?
Less than 3 months until I'll be jet-setting across the States to Dixieland or as Ashlyn, Anna Kate and Emily may say... to the best part of the country -- the land of Southern grace, Gents and sweet tea. 

Leaving the Pacific NW, I'm trading my Hunter wellies for a pair of Jack Rogers and my North Face for some Lilly... I'm totes in for a Southern-Belle makeover. Sundresses and big hats: let's go! 

Fellow EO sisters... take me shopping downtown Atlanta, 

Together, us eight sisters, from across the country will be spending six sweet weeks in Atlanta, GA and having the time of our lives, living at Memorial Headquarter on Ponce de Leon Ave... the ultimate ADPi mansion, or as EO Sister Haley calls it, "the diamond studded srat castle." Chyeah... Imma live it up this June, and my little heart is already going pitter patter as I wait in anticipation for my departure. 
I just gotta get through this Spring Quarter. Eeek! 

Ladies, I'm startin' this countdown.... now... 

"Georgia on My Mind" - Michael Buble (originally by Ray Charles)


  1. Amanda! Thank you for choosing to follow my blog recently. I tagged you in my post today as a token of my gratitude...

  2. Aww thanks doll! You're a gem.


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