Best Friends. Loyalty. Trust. Honesty. Partners in Crime. Late night talks 'til 2 am.

That's what sisterhood is truly about.
Never in my lifehave I felt truly content with my life until I joinedthe sisterhood ofAlpha Delta Pi.
I know it sounds a bit cliche, but seriously... I'm so blessed to have met these women. They have each touched my life in some way or another, and I'm so proud to call them my sisters. There is this special bond between all of us that's indescribable. No words can actually explain what it's like.
It's been three years since my very own Bid Day and Initiation. Now a junior in the chapter, I can easily say that Alpha Delta Pi has changed me for the better. The women in this chapter have helped me grow up into the person I want to be.
Our motto, "We Live for Each Other" speaks truth in my heart. We all live to help each other, and we want the best for one another. During my time at this chapter, I've come to learn one of the most important accessories in life.... It's called "friends." In my case, I am lucky to have found more than just friends. These women are my sisters, and I am 100% confident that these friendships are not just for four years... but will last a lifetime.
I can easily guarantee that these women will be standing by my side at my wedding. The possibility of having 100+ bridesmaids sounds awesome... might not be a reality since everyone can't fit up there. BUT don't worry there will be specially reserved tables for my sisters with beautiful violets intertwined in the centerpieces.
Oh and sorry peeps, but my two maid-of-honors have been reserved for my big and LITTLE Diamond Sisters. Denise and Jenn, I hope you both enjoy wearing canary yellow. :)
My dearest sisters --- you are my life. I hope each and everyone of you know that. As Teddy Geiger sings "For You, I will muster ever ounce of confidence I have... For you, I will." Yes... ladies, I am strong because of you. THANK YOU.
You all have touched my life and I am forever grateful and appreciative of your support... Some sisters.. more than others... and for the next couple of days, I'm going to pay tribute to them.
Below, you'll find names of some of the most influential and amazing sisters I have met during my 3 years of being an ADPi.
1. They will always be The SENIORS in my mind... Lia Pittman and Kelly Anthony.
Lia Pittman: During my freshman year, she held the most coveted title in the chapter... President. I've always looked up to her for inspiration, and she instilled in me this strong sense of passion for ADPi. Because of her I will always bleed blue and white, and recite Caralee Stanard's pre-creed poem every morning.
KELLY ANTHONY : she is my Great Grand-Big (GGB) and she was RVP my freshmen year.... following her footsteps I could only strive to emulate her. The hard-ass.. the recruitment nazi as some would say, she is one of the reasons I have become obsessed with such a strange process of chanting, bumps groups, and of course floating.
2. Sarcasm is her middle name... and at times it's hard to figure out whether she's joking or being serious. She is the one and only, Jackie Jones.
Jackie came into my life Winter 2010 at District VI's DLC in San Mateo. It was my first time at an ADPi conference, and I was at the beginning of my RVP term. Determined to improve the structure of Spirit Week and Formal Recruitment at my chapter, the FRC and I met with her to discuss some plans and strategies. From that moment on until GAME-TIME in September, my life had been turned upside down/inside out... my life became RECRUITMENT. I spoke, thought, dreamt, eat, slept, breathed RECRUITMENT. It became my obsession.... (except maybe for that split second after the last Pref party when I thought I was going to collapse from lack of sleep that I said I never wanted to do recruitment again.... jk.. I STILL LOVE IT.)
Now being done with Formal Recruitment and working on COR, I still keep in contact with this Classy & Fabulous woman. She inspires me to be a better ADPi, and for that I am eternally grateful for her presence in my life. I hope to one day grow into a woman that slightly resembles her. I envy her motivation and determination in life to excel and still have time to give back to our international organization. She truly and will always have that ADPi Sparkle.
3. My DIAMOND SISTERS (Little Jennefer and DENISE, my beloved biggie)
5. My ALPHA CLASS '08... oh how you will always amaze me. The day we pledged our hearts to the blue and white was just the beginning.
More to come my dearest sisters... stay tuned. OBIC Y
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